Welcome to the Official Blog of Mrs. Minneapolis International 2011

The International Pageant System was created to showcase married women, their coummunity involvement and commitment to marriage and family. Each woman chooses a platform in which they are passionate about to promote throughout their reign. My platform is titled, "The Unseen Enemy-Educating Parents on Internet Safety." My website is www.mrsminneapolis.com

The 2011 Mrs. Minnesota Interneational Pageant will be held on March 12 & 13th in St Cloud, MN. I am very excited to continue my work teaching parents and children about the dangers of the Internet. Please visit http://www.mrsminnesota.com/ for tickets and more info!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Call for SOS


I was on call for the crisis line and it was a busy day. It's bitter sweet because that means people are reaching out but it also means that people are being hurt. Rape is the most under reported crime so whenever we have a survivor brought into Regions Hospital it is a good thing. We never press them to make a police report but we make sure they know that the evidence will stay on file with the BCA (Bureau of Criminal Apprehension) so if someone else reports the same person they can be linked to multiple crimes. Or, if this person is identified by the person brought in now and their DNA is already on file, they will be prosecuted for other previous cases, hopefully. It also gives the victim some power over what has happened and gives them a choice in the matter of what happens next.

I was called into Regions ER early on Saturday morning and when I finished the case I was called back in just as I arrived home. Both different types of cases but I can generalize in saying that drugs or alcohol can be a big factor in a lot of instances. May I remind you that it is never the victims fault. The questions is, does the person give consent to the act. If no, then a crime has been committed. It doesn't matter if they had alcohol, were using drugs, dressing sexy, etc. People need to understand these excuses are myths. Police officers, especially ones trained in Ramsey County, are fully aware of this. Even if you think something has happened, I advise you to to get an exam so evidence can be collected as soon as possible. You must take care of you and that is the most important thing of all.

I hope that one day the crisis line is never needed and that we live in a world free of assault. I hope that I will never be needed as a volunteer. I've learned a lot of things as an 11 year veteran. The job never gets easier but I thank god every day I've got a very understanding and loving husband to come home to for hugs.

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